
The Romans Return at Wroxeter Roman City

In a nutshell

Find out what life was like in Roman Britain. Look forward to a fun and educational day out at Wroxeter Roman City in Shropshire on 3rd or 4th August.

Taking place at

Wroxeter Roman City Wroxeter, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 6PJ

Contact details

Tel: 01743 761330

The Romans Return at Wroxeter Roman City details...

Open 3 Aug - 4 Aug

Travel back in time on a family visit to Wroxeter Roman City in Shropshire over the weekend of 3rd to 4th August. Living history is a great way to bring the past to life. Imagine what daily life was like in ancient Viroconium, as Wroxeter was known to the Romans. Explore the Roman encampment and discover the sights and smells. Find out who can become champion in the chariot races and get to grips with combat skills in Gladiator School.

Please see English Heritage’s website to find out more before visiting.

This event is taking place at...

Wroxeter Roman City

Imagine what life was like for the Romans as you explore these ruins in Shropshire. Make the most of your family day out by visiting on a special event day.

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