Wicken Fen NNR hosts lots of fun activities for children and is one of Europe's most important wetlands.
Lode Lane, Wicken, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 5XP
Active and Sport, Animals, Gardens and Open Spaces, Historical Sites, Outdoor Activities, Trips and Transport
Ages 5 - 12, All ages, Schools and Groups, Teenagers, Under 5s
(based on family of 4)
Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve and is the National Trust’s oldest nature reserve, and England’s most famous fen.
It has a vast array of wildlife, including plants, birds and dragonflies.
Head off on the raised boardwalk, enjoy a landscape of flowering meadows, sedge and reedbeds, and encounter rarities such as hen harriers, water voles and bitterns.
There are often lovely events for children, and they can also hire bikes on-site.
When little tummies get hungry visit the café, with inside and outside seating.
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