
Armourgeddon Military Museum

In a nutshell

Armourgeddon Military Museum has collection of over 60 tanks and military vehicles, guns, interactive displays and machinery in the museum.


Southfields Farm, Husbands Bosworth, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 6NW

Contact details

Tel: 01858 880239

Activity type

Indoor Activities, Museums and Art Centres, Outdoor Activities

Suitable for

Ages 5 - 12, Schools and Groups, Teenagers

Price guide

£6 per person

(based on family of 4)

Armourgeddon Military Museum details...

Armourgeddon Military Museum has collection of over 60 tanks and military vehicles, guns, interactive displays and machinery in the museum, along with a café and picnic area.

Why not re-visit the lives and stories of your grandparents or great-grandparents and enjoy the collection of military history at the museum. The museum is an ideal place to go to bring to life the history of WWI and WWII as part of school curriculum subjects.

Open daily April – October, Wednesday to Sunday at 9am to 4pm or by appointment during the rest of the year from November to March. Under 5s have free entry.

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