Learn more about renewable energy on a visit to the Rheidol Power Station & Visitor Centre near Aberystwyth, West Wales. More suitable for older children.
Cwm Rheidol, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3NB
Gardens and Open Spaces, Indoor Activities, Outdoor Activities, Science and Technology
Ages 5 - 12, Schools and Groups, Teenagers
(based on family of 4)
An interesting free place to visit with older children in West Wales. Visit the Rheidol hydropower plant near Aberystwyth and find out how the station generates renewable energy by making use of the rainwater that falls on the hills. Explore the visitor centre with interactive displays and a historical film. Guided tours may be available at certain times (book in advance). Afterwards, enjoy a family walk in the surrounding countryside or visit the nearby butterfly house.
Please see Statkraft’s website to confirm details before travelling.
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