Take the kids to visit the Museum of Oxford and discover the story of the city and its people. Pick up a themed gallery trail at the shop and explore!
Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate\'s, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1BX
Indoor Activities, Museums and Art Centres
All ages, Schools and Groups
(based on family of 4; donations are welcome)
Enjoy a family outing to the Museum of Oxford (MOX) and discover the story of the city and its people. Interesting highlights include Captain Scott’s marmalade and Alice Liddell’s Red Cross medal. With free gallery trails for families, museum explorer backpacks, dressing up, special events and activities during school holidays, there is plenty to entertain young visitors.
Admission is free; donations are welcome.
Please see the Museum of Oxford’s website to find out more and plan your visit.
Join Science Oxford for a fun family workshop at the Museum of Oxford this February half term. Dress up, invent a new species and more on 20th February.
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