
Lauriston Castle

In a nutshell

For a great place to visit and take the kids on a step back in time go to Edinburgh's enthralling Lauriston Castle.


2 Cramond Rd S, Edinburgh EH4 6AD

Contact details

Tel: 0131 336 2060

Activity type

Gardens and Open Spaces, Museums and Art Centres

Suitable for

Ages 5 - 12, Schools and Groups, Teenagers

Price guide

£20 tour

(based on family of 5)

Lauriston Castle details...

Visit Lauriston Castle, and you see it just as it was in 1926, when Mrs Reid, it’s last owner, left it to the nation.

The tours of Lauriston Castle include the principal rooms, including Mr Reid’s well-equipped study and the tastefully designed drawing room; the stylish dining room and the library.

The gardens were laid out by William Henry Playfair in the 1840s and much of the planting dates to this period. The gardens have wonderful views out over Cramond Island and the Forth. The award-winning Japanese Friendship garden, gifted by the prefecture of Kyoto, is a tranquil place for quiet contemplation.

The Castle itself has three main periods of construction. The oldest part is the tower house dating from around 1593. Between 1824-27 the Architect William Burn added a two-storey extension. The final addition was the library, which was added in the 1870s.

Free entry to the grounds. Reduced opening times during Winter, check website for details.


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