
Kellie Castle & Garden

In a nutshell

Kellie Castle & Garden, nestled in the countryside of Fife, offers visitors a escape into history amidst its beautifully restored castle & tranquil gardens.


Kellie Castle, Pittenweem, Anstruther KY10 2RF

Contact details

Tel: 01333 720271

Activity type

Gardens and Open Spaces, Historical Sites, Indoor Activities, Outdoor Activities

Suitable for

Ages 5 - 12, All ages, Schools and Groups, Teenagers

Price guide


(based on family of 4)

Kellie Castle & Garden details...

Have a wonderful day with the family at Kellie Castle & Garden in Fife.

Indoors and outdoors visitors will find lots to interest them. Admire the beautiful 17th-century painted panelling in the dining room, an Arts & Crafts mural and see the Victorian nursery and kitchen.

Enjoy woodland walks, a bird hide, adventure playground, quizzes and treasure hunts.






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