
Artwork Specs: Slides

Making the most of your slide

Slides are a very effective way of promoting your attraction, event, voucher or competition. Their size and prominent position on the page guarantees high exposure and provides you with the opportunity to create real impact and deliver your key message to visitors in a consistent, attractive and efficient way.

Incorporating your messaging within the site’s own slider system, and alongside trusted content, provides a credible endorsement and encourages interaction.

To help you make the most of your slide, we have compiled some artwork & content specifications, along with some helpful suggestions below. If you need anything clarified (or you have any questions) then feel free to get in touch.

Step 1: Decide on your messaging

In order to be effective, slide messaging needs to be short and to the point. Practical, authentic messaging (i.e. not ‘salesy’), that is consistent in tone with general site tone will generate the greatest level of interaction.

Make sure that your message is 65 characters or less (including spaces) and let us know where you would like your slide link to take visitors (either within the Let’s Go site or to an external URL). In order to remain consistent with other site content (and encourage interaction), your message will appear in sentence case with standard slide text styling.

Step 2: Create your slide background

Slide backgrounds are used to help catch a visitor’s eye and to provide some basic visual context for your message.

It is important to understand that because they span the whole width of the screen (and are responsive to screen width) they behave differently to a static image and will appear differently depending on the proportions of the screen that they are being viewed on. To prevent your image from being distorted or shrunk, the frame that holds your background will re-size to best suit the screen. What this means is that on a narrow screen (such as a phone) the left and right parts of your image may not be visible, whereas on a wide screen (such as a large desktop monitor) the top and bottom parts of your image may not be visible.

When choosing an image to appear as your background, keep in mind that your message (and the search box) will be placed in front of it, and that they will partially conceal central areas of your background (so avoid images that have an essential, central point of interest).

To achieve the best overall result for your slide, we

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